Image courtesy of: Jay Mantri http://magdeleine.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/MikeTop-1400×788.jpg
Have you always had the dream of starting your own business? What’s stopping you? Is it maybe the little voice that sits on your shoulder nagging away at you asking whether you’re good enough, whether you have the skills, who do you think you are? Maybe you don’t have the finances in place, maybe you just don’t know where to even begin.
Would you like to get rid of that little voice that says “Oy, what the !******! makes you think you can achieve that? You’re not like the others.”
Lack of confidence in our abilities gives rise to that little voice, puts it on a pedestal that’s so high we can’t see our way around it. It feeds on our fears and grows stronger by the day. I’m here to tell you a secret……you are not that different from those people who can and do run their own business. You have talents and abilities that are exceptional and if all that is stopping you from starting your own business, or for that matter achieving just about anything in life is information, skills, and finances, now is your opportunity to work out how you can get those things. You can learn skills (try online courses, take courses at the local college, book onto an evening class), you can find information (troll the internet, ask at your local library, ask friends and contacts), you can obtain finances (cloud financing, bank loans, family, savings) As with anything in life having a plan is the best way to see your way forward. A plan can also be the best way to see the skills you already have, but never realized.
Building our confidence in ourselves is the best way to shut that little voice up and knock it off its pedestal, but beware it will come back from time to time, though if you have a plan it won’t take long for you to cut it down to size. Having a little nagging voice is often a good thing, it does make us think through what we are about to do, which is a confidence builder in itself as we analyse what skills we have and need.
If you have an idea, don’t let it die because of your little voice on a giant pedestal, build your inner confidence and cut it down to size.
Til we meet again