Guilt or Overwhelm which is more soul consuming?

You know the feeling, you know what you need to do, but there are other people to consider, commitments that need to be met, but all you really want to do is run away and hide somewhere just to get your head straight, your life back on track.  Sometimes it feels like all your doing is struggling to keep your head above water.

Overwhelm is often coupled with guilt and it can be a lonely place to hang out, even when you’re surrounded by people.  It builds until there’s nothing left inside and everyday feels like a struggle.  This is when you start to realise you’re in a rut and you’re life has to change, but where do you turn, what do you do?

Is it navel gazing to start to really look at your life?  Part of the guilt is taking the time to look inwardly, when there is so much to be done.  However, without taking time to analyze what is going on in your life to make you feel this way, you may never feel happy and content again and overwhelm and guilt may very well lead to depression and ill health.

If like me you have children or pets, or even a relative that relies upon you for food, water, and care, you need to know that you must take care of yourself first.  Without your health and wellness those that rely upon you will suffer.  Stress, overwhelm, guilt, depression, all affect the people and pets you love most and often you get too caught up in your problems to realise how much it affects them.

You owe it them and to yourself to seek out a way to look at your life and figure out a strategy to deal with overwhelm, guilt and stress, before it’s too late.  Trying to deal with this on your own may only lead to more overwhelm.  The best advice is to call on someone who can help you such as a coach.  I know that sounds like me “the coach” trying to drum-up business, but one-on-one and/or group coaching works.  I’ve seen and experienced the results a qualified coach can have on your life and I think you’re worth it don’t you.

Now watch the video below and see how it makes you feel.

Wouldn’t you love to feel like this more often?

