Photo courtesy:Sonja Langford
It’s not always easy to love what you do for a living, even the best jobs in the world can have days when things just don’t go right, or days when there’s not a lot going on, or days when there just isn’t enough time, or even days where all the work is that part of the job you just hate. Sometimes the clock hands never seem to turn fast enough, but there is a way to make that day a little easier on your soul.
The key is to find something that makes your day more enjoyable. What are the things in your life you love to do? Knowing what gives you pleasure can also lift your spirits on a low day. In order to enjoy our lives we need to know and do what gives us pleasure, even if only for a few fleeting moments. It doesn’t need to be a big thing, take a major chunk of time, or take you away from the task at hand. It can be a fleeting moment.
Moments add up over a lifetime. My Mother used to say “If you take care of the pennies, the pounds (yes, I grew up in England) will take care of themselves”, in other words take care of the small things, they’ll add up to bigger things.
Simple actions like putting a picture of your family on your desk to remind you of why you do this job can help you deal with the task at hand. Practicing some breathing exercises or taking a walk at lunchtime can have a rejuvenating effect on the brain increasing your creativity and strengthening your ability to cope with stress.
What’s that you say, “sounds great”? “How does she expect me to take time off work and do the things I love, I can’t just quit work for a few hours and run to the golf course. This report has to be in by 3:30.”
I’m not suggesting you put aside half a day, if you remember my mother said “pennies”, small things.
So let’s see if you can find some things in your life that give you pleasure, things that you are passionate about that really make your heart sing.
Try this exercise:
- Make a list of all the things you love to do. Do you love a particular sport, or do you have a hobby you are really passionate about, is there someone you love to be with? Try to find at least a 5 to 10 things that give you pleasure.
- Mix and match the amount of time some pleasures take, list some short some a little longer, remember you’re going to want to fit some of the items into the 5 or 10 minutes between tasks in your day. There may be some pleasures that come to mind immediately, but others may need you to dig a little deeper. What else is there that you had maybe forgotten you enjoyed?
- Make your list and turn it into an attractive looking document, maybe print it out on special paper. These are your joys in life and like you they deserve to look good.
- Put them up somewhere so you can see them.
- Pick something from your list every day and spend a little time with that joy.
- Don’t feel guilty, just spend a little time enjoying the moment.
You can go to this list at work, at home or whenever you feel life is starting to get on top of you. Pick one thing from your list and treat yourself. It could be that you’d love to sit in the garden with a glass of lemon, but you’re at work. Adapt, go and get a glass of water, can you add the lemon juice? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and for a few minutes imagine sitting outside in the garden, smell the flowers, the freshly cut grass, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, hear the sounds of birds singing. After a few minutes, come back to reality, but every time you sip your drink think back to that moment.
Want to know a few of my favourite things?:
- I love to bake (ooh the smell of a fresh baked loaf)
- I love to paint
- I love to make jewelry
- I love to walk my dogs in the woods
- I love to be in my garden planting, weeding and tending to the vegetables, herbs and flowers
- I love to meet and chat with friends
- I love to sit outside in the garden in summer with a cold glass of lemon water and a good book.
- I love to learn
When do I have time to do all this? That’s another blog entry coming soon. For now this is about you not me.
What are your passions in life? Try making your list. Dig deep, have fun and whenever you feel life is starting to get on top of you pick one thing from your list and treat yourself.
Only have a short time, pick something short from your list. It could be that you’d love to sit in the garden with a glass of lemon, but you’re at work. Adapt, go and get a glass of water, can you add the lemon juice? Then take a deep breath and for a few minutes imagine sitting outside in the garden, smell the flowers, the freshly mown grass, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, hear the sounds of birds singing. After a few minutes, come back to reality, but every time you sip your drink think of that moment.
A refreshed mind is a more productive, creative, less stressed mind and your life will be so much more enjoyable. I’m inviting you to join me in putting mental pennies in your mind bank today.
Here’s to loving your life!