This starts with a Barred owl that chooses to sit in the forest and hoot just outside our bedroom window almost every night. Don’t jump to conclusions, I actually like him calling in the night. What is he really like, does he have children, did he eat today?
My family lives in a forest, so we’ve always heard owls every now and again, but this one has been our constant companion since the spring and I love the sound he makes calling to his partner. Ever since I was a child the hoot of an owl has given me a warm glow in my heart, it’s the same feeling you get when you’re wrapped in a warm blanket – safe, cozy and secure.
It’s strange how something that happened in our childhood can stay with us our whole life, good or bad, and sometimes you can’t even recall the event that originally triggered the feeling/sense, you just know how you felt at the time.
Is it time to give yourself a hug? What triggers a warm, cozy, relaxed response in you? A smell, sound, something you own you can hold. Find something and give yourself time to enjoy it. See how much more relaxed you are afterwards.